Wednesday, January 5, 2011

compendium of deep thoughts

need a new tag, plan is to despite here interesting proverbs sayings epiphanies and the like.

If you rolled a skeletal witch would you die whenever you drink a potion of healing?
Because skeletons usually get all the benefits of potions/food from attempting to ingest them regardless of the fact that it ends up in a messy pile on the floor. and when a witch gets wet they are supposed to melt and die.


  1. note that the previous entry was made from my phone and I was unnable to enter any text into the post itself.

    Potential tag: Gaining Gnosis
    a Greek term relating to an epiphany regarding the infinite, as opposed to finite world of knowledge.

  2. Potential tag: Perceiving Pu
    from the Taoist religion Pu is simplicity, there can be a pure experience of knowledge that is not distorted by the preconception bias.

  3. Potential tag: Daily Zen
    Zazen is sitting meditation and I rarely meditate staying still. although most of what I intend to allocate under this tag will be the results of meditation.
