Monday, March 17, 2014

Euro3: Deutschland

After leaving Schwiez on the 12th I arrived in schienfeld. Currently in Tübingen, till the 20th.
 Some feilds and towns as seen from the train. There always seems to be a sudden end to a town or city, not a gradual petering out that I am used to.

 Lynda was quite prepared for my arrival and an exelent host.

 Just the right time of year for some ofthe springtime flowers, these in their garden in Schienfeld.

 This code is chalked onto most ofthe doors I saw, its in connection to easter and a fairytale relatingto a house full of animals in a forrest that fought of some robbers.

 Iphofen castle moat, this town has a gatehouse at each ofthe 4 entrances to the town.

 one of the Ipofen gatehouses, this has the heritage listing stamp on it.

 This church looks like it is about the gain the Mangekyō Sharingan [LINK]

 A forrest of Ashes

 The Schienfeld watchtower, note that ther are not large enough to be used as normal road. though earlier this day wee saw a funeral procession go through the arch.

 This above is the view from the local churchtower, the house I was staying in you can just bairly see the loft window, its a yellow building in the center.

 The whote window of the white building is on a room that now belongs tothe owner of the building tothe left, a slight rearrangement of walls took place.
 This is where Krisi and I had dinner on the first night in Tübingen.

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